Sunday, July 28, 2013

Real life abortion story - Let's call her Carly

To humanize this discussion, I asked people to send in some real life stories. I have not even typo corrected these. Please understand these are as REAL as I can provide.

A good friend of mine in college had to drop out due to an unwanted pregnancy (which we later discovered was from rape. She had sadly been too embarrassed and shocked to admit it had been rape). Her parents nevertheless knew what caused the pregnancy, but due to their strict religious beliefs they threatened to cut her off completely if she got an abortion. She carried the baby to term, but you could see the shame and embarrassment in her eyes almost every day. She eventually had to drop out, because she could no longer play soccer and lost her athletic scholarship. It was maddening. She ended up giving the baby up for adoption and hasn't spoken to her parents for almost three years now. It's just infuriating that situations like hers still happen in modern times.

Please share YOUR story with and I will make your story into a blog post. Stay as general as you like. No need to identify anyone. I’m changing names to start with A-Z as the case may be.

When Does Life Begin?

I believe that there is no way to "scientifically" prove a primarily philosophical question: “when does life begin?”

Whether I, or anyone, could define in terms that would irrevocably determine and prove that the concept of life made sense to ascribe to a set of DNA / RNA or chromosome pairs doesn't really matter one bit.

The question doesn’t even address the issue that is at stake for women. Here is the real question in my mind and spirit: "Does a woman have the right to decide if she must carry every pregnancy to term?" Ultimately that is the only philosophical question that is worth debating in my opinion.

Let me state that as clearly as I can: Does she have the RIGHT to decide?

Women have only recently (within the last century or so) been given the opportunity to decide their reproductive fate. They now can join the workforce, complete school, vote, and not be property of men in general. They don’t even die in childbirth very much, compared to a few decades ago. The list of real world events that birth control has allowed them to take part in fully is long and varied. Longer than I can even list. And it is worth mentioning.

Do women deserve the right to have reproductive freedom? Yes. Clearly they must have it to retain their advances and involvement in society.

Maybe the question is "Do *we* have the right to decide if a woman can have reproductive freedom?" I say we do not.

Why do I say that this is the real issue regarding the beginning of life? I have recently been involved in literally thousands of micro-conversations, blogs, tweets, and personal emails in the last few weeks and no one, and I mean no one, has been able to point me at anything, that makes one bit of sense scientifically that would make one bit of a difference to the skeptics, if you'd call them that, on either side.

On the other hand, I have received plenty of data, information, and personal stories that show me that by allowing people to have access to abortion, they are able to move on with their lives and eventually get past the fact that they needed to have an abortion. For those that were in a place where abortion was not embarrassing or shameful, their lives were easier to get on with. For those that were shamed mercilessly, they weren't.

It is my opinion that the more we debate the philosophical issues of "when does life begin" or "when does a person start" on a Facebook wall instead of "do we have the right to shame a women into taking every pregnancy to term", we are doing more harm than good. We are, essentially, off topic.

The mindset I have been trying to get my head into is this one that I am certain plays out in the minds of many women...

"I wake up every morning and I realize that I am carrying an unfertilized egg in my belly. I know that if it becomes fertilized, I will be forced to have it change everything about my body, from the way I enjoy taste to the size of my feet. Once that egg becomes fertilized, people will judge me. They will say I am a slut if I am not married and if I am married and give it up for adoption, I'll be asked about where the child is for the rest of my life. It will cause me emotional issues while I carry it, because a body goes through many hormonal changes while pregnant and there are always psychological issues I will have to deal with based upon my personal situation. I will have to go to a lot of doctor visits to keep it healthy and safe. I will have to take off work to have the baby. I will have to recover after I have the baby no matter what, and if there are complications, they may incapacitate or kill me. If I have to have a C-Section, that's pretty major surgery and I'll have to recover for quite some time. All of this will cost thousands or tens of thousands of dollars. Who will help me through all of this? Being impregnated is a really big deal."

And that's in an ideal situation, where a woman knows what's going on and the details of what could happen to her.

This discussion has to happen in the cases of all situations:

- date rape

- incest

- contraceptive failure

- stillbirth

- fetal abnormalities

- adultery

- and millions of other situations we cannot imagine

How can we possibly legislate anything so personal? How can we write a law that is "humane" for the mother?

Can we legislate kindness, sympathy, empathy, compassion, understanding, removal of guilt, removal of shame, absolution for sin, paternal responsibility, etc?

Can we force men to take responsibility? Women?

I posit that we cannot. I posit that this is a decision that must be made by the mother. The egg carrier. The woman that will be branded and shamed in public when she is carrying that very obvious pregnancy that she did not want. The person that will, statistically, stay with that child rather than the father.

Who are we to decide that women have to take every pregnancy to term? Who are we as a society when we force women to be subject to the mechanics of their body when they are not fully in control of what happens to them?

Would anyone want to go in front of a tribunal to discuss how their body was violated? How many people would you have to convince that you were raped? How many documents would you have to sign to say you couldn't afford to feed that baby? Where is the signature page that will allow you to remove the shame of a small town?

It is by mercy of us as a society that women do not have to stand, naked in spirit or physicality, in front of a judging body that determines whether her reasons for an abortion are reasonable enough. Who would be on that panel? Your local congressmen? Your neighbor? Your pastor? How dare we judge? How dare we!

To me, the question isn't "where does life begin?" The question is how dare we make them feel guilty for being a human being with reproductive organs?

Who or what gives us the right to question their decision?

Real life abortion story - Let's call her Brody

To humanize this discussion, I asked people to send in some real life stories. I have not even typo corrected these. Please understand these are as REAL as I can provide.

I have a personal story.. When I was 7 years old my mom met a man that she thought was great but behind that greatness was a dark side and when she was not around he molested me and my younger sister when he raped me and I told finally her what was happening he was finally put in jail. Why I am sharing this is because I know that if I had been 14 and this happened it might of ended with a child and one that would not of been very loved by me and I know that instead of bringing it to birth I would of wanted the ability to remove the baby I believe because of my experience in the past that there are very legit reason why a woman should be able to choose while I do feel a life is a life and should be respected in every way there are those reasons whatever they may that a woman needs to have the right over there bodys.vil.

Please share YOUR story with and I will make your story into a blog post. Stay as general as you like. No need to identify anyone. I’m changing names to start with A-Z as the case may be.

Real life abortion story - Let's call her Abby.

To humanize this discussion, I asked people to send in some real life stories. I have not even typo corrected these. Please understand these are as REAL as I can provide.

I grew up in a working class family in California. I am one of four children (my parents had only planned for two). After my eldest siblings were born, my mother went on birth control pills. Unfortunately, she found out she was pregnant again 14 months later. She had an emergency C-section when my brother was less than six months in utero. His chances of survival were very low, and he remained in the hospital in an incubator for five months. My mother resumed birth control, but then got pregnant with me. After I was born she had an IUD put in (in addition to taking the pill), but became pregnant a fifth time. By then, four young children were straining my parent’s finances and affecting their sanity. They felt they couldn't manage a fifth child, and my mother felt she couldn’t handle another pregnancy. It was still prior Roe vs. Wade, and in order to prevent the birth they had to go to Mexico to have a coat hanger style abortion. Thankfully, my mother survived.

I was 21 when I had my first serious boyfriend…at least I thought he was serious. I was just beginning my career, and, using birth control. I was travelling in and out for work a lot, and on one trip back I discovered that my boyfriend had become a heroine addict, and was hiding it from me. I ended the relationship immediately, and flew home to my family. Within days of arrival, I found out I was 6 weeks pregnant. I was so devastated. I had always wanted a baby…but not like this and not with a heroine addict. My mother took me to a local private clinic, and helped me through what is a traumatic experience for any woman. I found out some years later that this ex-boyfriend had been diagnosed with HIV. When I heard, I felt like I dodged a bullet. I was so thankful that women like my mother had stood up and fought for Roe vs. Wade in effort to save my generation from the humiliation and danger that my mother was subjected to when my parents made their choice. I went on to have a very successful career in the years that followed, something I couldn't have done as a single mom.

Eventually, I met the man who would become my husband, and we had two beautiful children together. The eldest had a lot of complications at birth, which continued for five years afterwards. I had stopped working to have a baby, which strained our income. We were already so drained with the medical issues and sleepless years with our new child when I found out I was pregnant again. Just before the second was born, we had to sell our house. We also had a new business we were running, and eventually became too overwhelmed to bridge the gap. Sadly, after years of struggling, strained finances drove us to separate.

A few years later on the day my grandmother died, a stranger raped me. He used a rape drug. I was completely traumatized, but thankfully not impregnated by this psychopath. I certainly wouldn't have wanted another abortion; however, I would have exercised my right to prevent the pregnancy. Already a single mother, I would find it highly irresponsible of me to consider birthing another child without a father that could support it. I already had two that I was having trouble feeding and caring for. For over the years, I've been able to provide health insurance for my children, but not for myself. I have made sure they were fed before me, which left me unfed much of the time. As a result, my health suffered greatly. I would have been in no position or condition to carry a pregnancy to term.

Thankfully I live in a state that supports women's rights, and the law. If the nearest clinic were 1000 miles away, and I’d needed a medication to prevent pregnancy at first signs, or at all, I wouldn’t have been able to afford the gas. Not only would the emotional trauma from the rape have been that much more damaging, but my family would suffer so much more by my not being able to work, and the additional cost of another child. I was already drained and working 20 hours a day to keep afloat. We still struggle, I still have to work extremely long hours, and we’ve never been on welfare. There is so much love in this family, and frankly, we have suffered enough. We just need a fighting chance to improve our lives. As my kids say: "We don't need another sibling; we need a healthy Mommy".

Please share YOUR story with and I will make your story into a blog post. Stay as general as you like. No need to identify anyone. I’m changing names to start with A-Z as the case may be.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Pro-Choice Background Material I Have Found as Datapoints. I welcome discussion and better data!

Movie: 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days: Drama about a woman who assists her friend to arrange an illegal abortion in 1980's Romania.

If you have Amazon Prime:


Reasons U.S. Women Have Abortions: Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives


Fetal personhood and criminalizing abortion: a prosecutor’s perspective

You have to read this carefully, because what he’s saying is that any changes to the law are rife with legal issues. They already are and they’re going to get worse.


Abortion On Demand and Without Apology! For Every Woman in Every State. The Reversal of Abortion and Birth Control Rights Must Stop Now!


History of Abortion

In the United States, the history of abortion goes back much farther than the 1973 Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade, which made abortion legal and marked an important turning point in public health policy.


How I Lost Faith in the “Pro-Life” Movement


On body autonomy, discomfort, Facebook activism & the Texas Spring


Who Has an Abortion After 20 Weeks?

That’s right when my patients find out about devastating fetal defects




WITHOUT ACCESS TO SAFE ABORTION: An open letter to the President of Chile.


New Study Shows Anti-Choice Policies Leading to Widespread Arrests of and Forced Interventions on Pregnant Women


The Policy and Politics of Reproductive Health Arrests of and Forced Interventions on Pregnant Women in the United States, 1973–2005: Implications for Women’s Legal Status and Public Health


Why 20 week abortion ban is NOT "reasonable"


Texas Women Are Already Getting 'Flea Market Abortions'


Maturation of the Prefrontal Cortex

Defending Reproductive Rights and Freedom of Speech - my first online post defending my daughter's sign "Jesus Isn't A Dick; So Keep Him Out Of My Vagina"

From: DISGUSTING TEXAS DEM: “Jesus Isn’t a Dick So Keep Him Out of My Vagina” Updated With More Stupid And Idiotic Liberal Comments, Dad Proud of Disgusting Sign

Posted: July 18, 2013 by AKA John Galt in America

Yes that is truly my daughter’s sign. I am not ashamed in the slightest.

Since this picture got lots of exposure, I am taking advantage of the opportunity to engage with everyone that may have a different opinion.

I don’t really understand why you would not be interested in discussing this. If you are happy to disparage her without listening to what she or I have to say, why would you post this? Aren’t you interested in learning more?

You tagged this picture as:

· Abortion. Yep. But really just NOT anti-abortion. Abortion is not the goal; it’s an unfortunate necessity at times that is too personal to judge by rule of law.

· Barack Obama. Nope. Nothing about him here.

· Comrad Obama. Again. Nothing about him here.

· Crime. Not sure what that means in this sense.

· free speech. Exactly. She certainly has the ability to speak her mind. I hope she retains it.

· Freedom. Exactly. Reproductive freedom.

· Freedom of Religion. Exactly. The freedom to have whatever religion you wish.

· Government Lies. Yes, this is a huge set of governmental lies behind this bill. They said it was for “women’s health,” for one.

· idiocracy. I totally agree. Have you watched the movie? The smart ones don’t reproduce and the idiots reproduce like mad until the average IQ level drops. It’s “The only comedy that’s turned into a documentary.”

– The Future Is A No Brainer

– In the future, intelligence is extinct.

· Ignorance. Agreed. Facts have had no bearing on these hearings.

· liberal hate – no one at the meeting showed any hate from the “orange” side that I ever noticed.

· liberal lies – what lies?

· liberal stupidity – not sure what’s stupid about standing up for our rights

· Religious Expression – whose expression? The “right” side?

· Totalitarianism – “dictatorship: a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.).” Also see: Maybe what you meant was Theocracy: “A system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god.

” Also see:

I have given you my complete information. Look me up online. I am ready and willing to defend my position. My daughter is ready to defend hers.

We are willing to listen to see if there is anything that will change our minds. Engage us. We’re not evil.

A collection of the media coverage that SHOULD be focused on the ANTI-CHOICE issue

7/29 Reza Aslan: Zealot Author V Fox News & Youth Activist Tuesday Cain

Posted on July 29, 2013 by not-sam

Billy Joe Cain and his four teen year old daughter Tuesday Cain talked about what drove her activism against anti women rights legislation in Texas, the disgusting backlash they have face and support they received and the movement to restrict choice across the country.


Teen activist’s dad: “Lawmakers want to see women turned back into property”


Tuesday Cain and dad Billy spoke to Salon about the double meaning behind their famous sign, and their next move


Jesus isn't a dick

by Ralph Jones , Friday, 26th July 2013

Fourteen-year-old Tuesday Cain's sign has caused outrage in the US but the real scandal is the Texas law scrapping abortion provision. Ralph Jones talks to her


BBC World Have Your Say

18:06 FRI, 26TH JUL

Scan to 36:40 for the Texas part of the show.

Download HERE.


Keep Jesus ‘out of my vagina’: Pro-aborts continue to exploit children [pic]

Twitchy, Pics and tweets. Where it all started.


Proud Lib Daddy: My Daughter Made that “Keep Jesus Out of My Vagina” Sign

Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, July 16, 2013, 11:47 AM

The Gateway Pundit, Pics of the tweets where I tell people who we are and that I’m proud of what she did.


Super Cool Dad Defends Daughter's ‘Keep Jesus Out of My Vagina’ Poster

KATIE J.M. BAKER 7/17/13 6:50pm

Jezebel, Short quips and defense tweets from me. GREAT comments section.


I'm proud of my daughter's abortion bill placard, despite the backlash

The Guardian, by Billy Cain



xojane, by Tuesday Cain


Public Shaming

Tweets of Privilege

Excellent overview of the online shaming of Tuesday


Awesome dad defends awesome daughter’s message to Texas lawmakers

Salon, Based upon Guardian and xojane pieces


I am sick and tired of saying I’m sorry.

Blog, by Erin J. Walter, July 24, 2013


If Tuesday Cain is a whore, then so am I

Cherry Bomb, by Jess d'Arbonne, July 23, 2013


Welcome To The Club, Tuesday

Blog, by Julie Gillis, JULY 23, 2013

Good piece with quotes from xojane


BBC World Have Your Say: The nastiness of the US abortion debate / Royal baby media frenzy.

Tue 23 Jul 2013, 17:06 GMT

Discussion about American behavior in abortion debate



Social Analytics, Focused on the xojane piece


I'm The 14-Year-Old Who Wrote The "Jesus Isn't A Dick So Keep Him Out of My Vagina" Sign In Texas And Was Labeled A "Whore" By Strangers Online

Reddit, xojane piece. Made it to the recommended section and front page.


Texas Liberal:“Jesus Isn’t a Dick So Keep Him Out of My Vagina”



Gross. Texas Dad & 14 Year-Old Daughter Lead Campaign for More Late-Term Abortions

Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, July 24, 2013, 12:00 PM


14-Year-Old Girl With Pro-Choice Sign Under Attack: "Please Stop Calling Me a "Whore"

by Tuesday Cain

reprint of xojane article


Democrats Are Degenerates – Pro-Abortion Fanatics “Jesus Isn’t A Dick, So Keep Him Out Of My Vagina!”…

Posted on July 12, 2013 by BC

Pic and some comments


The 14 Year Old Who Wrote "jesus Isn't A Dick So Keep Him Out Of My Vagina" Labeled A 'whore' Online

Posted 23 July 2013 - 06:44 PM

Quote from xojane piece


Pro-Abortion Fanatics In Texas Have Young Girl Hold Sign Saying: “Jesus Isn’t A Dick, So Keep Him Out Of My Vagina!”…

July 12, 2013

Picture only with viewer comments


'Jesus isn't a dick; so keep him out of my vagina'

based upon xojane piece, new commentary


Kids holding sign: Jesus isn’t a dick; so keep him out of my vagina!

Short commentary and picture.



Short comment. Pic.



Catholic quotes / tweets. Pic.


I'm The 14-Year-Old Who Was Labeled A "Whore" By Strangers Online

by Deliciously Melicious Posted July 24, 2013

xojane reprint


Why this Teenage Texan Stood Up to Anti-Choice Politicians

By Ali on July 24, 2013 3:50 PM

Short quotes from xojane, CHOICE OUT LOUD picture.


Child Holds Vile Abortion Sign: “Jesus Isn’t A Dick, Keep Him Out Of My Vagina”

Kristin Tate July 12, 2013 11:16pm PST

Short piece with pic and a few tweets


A sign of these times, &c.

JULY 24, 2013 12:00 AM

By Jay Nordlinger

Short clip and pic


"I'm The 14-Year-Old Who Wrote The 'Jesus Isn't A Dick So Keep Him Out of My Vagina' Sign In Texas..." Article Response - A Christian's Perepective


Tuesday Cain labelled a 'whore' for holding women's rights sign

Based upon xojane piece


Tuesday Cain labelled a 'whore' for holding women's rights sign

Based upon xojane article and tweets


“Jesus No Dick,Keep Away From My Vagina” US Teen

Blog, by VENKAT RAMANAN, In US on July 24, 2013 at 10:05

Based upon xojane article


On Our Radar – Tuesday Cain – A Pro-Choice 14-Year-Old Takes On The Right Wing



Anti-Abortion Fanatics Target 14 Year Old Protestor And Her Family In Online Attacks

by Randa Morris July 23, 2013 4:51 am

Friday, July 26, 2013

My stance for the BBC's "World Have Your Say" program at 9am CST July 26th

My stance for the BBC's "World Have Your Say" program at 9am CST July 26th. The discussion is about "The nastiness of the US abortion debate." I hope I can make a good case for making this discussion more civil.

I want to be as "fair" and non-judgmental as I can. I don't think I can budge on rape culture, though.

The reasons that I see are causing this nastiness:

1) Religion. People believe abortion is a sin against god.

2) Life. When does life begin?

3) Demonization. Each “side” feels empowered to judge the other.

4) Politics, Money, Power, and Distraction. Our country has been divided between "red" vs. "blue" by our political parties. Abortion has been used to “mobilize bases” starting in 1976 with Bob Dole and Jesse Helms working to elect Ronald Reagan.

5) Rape Culture and Female Oppression. Women are, essentially, sluts and whores and do not have the same opportunity in the workplace.

I want to make it clear that I am pro-choice (as compared to pro-live birth*), and that I believe that abortion should be legal, safe, and rare.

* The difference between pro-life and pro-live birth is that pro-life should mean just that, including pre-natal case, doctor visits, and helping pay for their lives after unwanted babies are born. The burden to women, which could be single mothers, is so great and is often lost in this discussion.






Here are some facts about teen pregnancy and why I feel the pro-live birth needs to be more considerate of what happens after these unwanted babies are born.


Into a New World: Young Women's Sexual and Reproductive Lives

“In most of the world, the majority of young women become sexually active during their teenage years. The proportion is roughly one-half to two-thirds in Latin American and Caribbean countries, reaches three-quarters or more in much of the developed world and exceeds nine in 10 in many Sub-Saharan African countries.”

From: Facts on American Teens’ Sources of Information About Sex


Sex Pregnancy and Abortion

· Although only 13% of U.S. teens have had sex by age 15, most initiate sex in their late teen years. By their 19th birthday, seven in 10 teen men and teen women have had intercourse.

· The majority (86%) of the decline in the teen pregnancy rate between 1995 and 2002 was the result of dramatic improvements in contraceptive use, including an increase in the proportion of teens using a single method of contraception, an increase in the proportion using multiple methods simultaneously and a substantial decline in nonuse. Just 14% of the decline is attributable to decreased sexual activity.

· The United States continues to have one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the developed world (68 per 1,000 women aged 15–19 in 2008)—more than twice that of Canada (27.9 per 1,000) or Sweden (31.4 per 1,000)

From: Into a New World: Young Women's Sexual and Reproductive Lives


What are the chances?

What are the chances of a child growing up in poverty if: (1) the mother gave birth as a teen, (2) the parents were unmarried when the child was born, and (3) the mother did not receive a high school diploma or GED?

· 27% if one of these things happen

· 42% if two of these things happen

· 64% if three of these things happen

· Only 7% if none of these things happen

Put another way, if these three things happen, a child’s chance of growing up in poverty is 9 times greater than if none of these things happen.

From: Teen Pregnancy, Poverty, and Income Disparity

Thursday, July 25, 2013

My Daughter the Whore


"My dad came to my defense online, but for the first time I am outing myself publicly. I'm 14. Please stop calling me a whore."

That's my daughter. I am proud. And that's my state. Not so proud.

The Texas Legislature passed that ridiculous abortion bill into law and there are more on the way everywhere in the United States and the world.

We all have to stand up and fight for women's freedoms. We have to get our voices heard. If nothing else comes of this particular news blip of Tuesday's sign, at least people will know that there was a fight in Texas. And that we lost. For now.

Too many of these bills are being passed into law with no one even knowing they're on the docket. We were lucky in Texas, because someone was watching. Ohio didn't have a chance.

Believe me, it is going to get a whole lot worse if the people do not start getting educated about these bills and talking to their representatives. This 20 week fetal pain issue is being passed around like it's a fact, when it is anything but.

And "the people" believe it. They don't do the extra brain work and research for themselves. I was at the Capitol when a neurologist went into minute detail for the legislators on how it was not accurate. They didn't even know what to ask the neurologist. My wife was actually in the room and saw how glazed over their eyes were! And if they aren't listening, what makes anyone else think that "regular folk" are listening to the facts?

Soon, you'll hear that an overwhelming majority of people support the No Fetal Pain Bill in a city near you. Then it'll be the No Fetal Heartbeat Bill. Then it'll be the No Zygote Danger Bill.

I may sound like a crazy person, but I've been alive long enough to know that this is how things work in the bigger picture. I will never believe that women should be cattle or that they should be forced to take every pregnancy to term. Ever.

Those who do not study history... can't finish this sentence.

These aren't even partisan decisions. It's all over the place. And when did abortion rights become the dividing line of the parties? What planet are we living on? I'm pretty torn up about this.

Let our Laws be a Reflection of Your Laws

I have been told that we are not legislating morality. I beg to differ.

Here’s the beginning of Texas’ Special Session, where they passed the Abortion Bill into Law. I really think this should be required reading for those that tell me that this isn’t about religion.

Really. Read this thing.






The chair recognized Representative Flynn who introduced John Robinson, pastor, Assembly of Yahvah [God], Emory [], who offered the invocation as follows:

Heavenly Father, I thank you that you are bigger than us today, that your house is bigger than this house, that your laws are immeasurably more significant than any of the laws that have been made here. I thank you that your ways are higher than our ways and your thoughts are higher than ours.

But today, I would ask that our thoughts would be your thoughts; today, I pray that our ways would be your ways. Let our house be your house today, and let our laws be a reflection of your laws. Help us to feel what you feel. Help us to be grieved about the things that break your heart and give us the discernment to recognize those things. Please don't let us be comfortable if some of our lawmakers are lawbreakers, but teach us to tremble at your word with a holy fear of displeasing or dishonoring you. Help us to remember that our words spoken here today will reverberate throughout eternity.

We know that there is a time to weep and a time to rejoice. Help us to sow tears of sorrow today so we can rejoice tomorrow. Open our ears so that we can hear your wisdom crying in the streets. Open our eyes so that we can see your truth that seems to be hidden in plain view, right before us. Please help us as individuals to seek harmony and unity with you and then allow you to work out the other details.

I thank you for the representatives that we have here today from all over our state, but today, I ask you for someone to represent you. Please send us your duly elected representative. We need a representative who knows you and loves you enough to plead for justice on your behalf. We need leaders who have learned to follow you. And when you send them, please help us to recognize them for who they are and to give them a cup of cool water instead of ridiculing or opposing them like we have done in the past. Help us to get our eyes off of ourselves and to be more concerned about our righteousness than our rights.

Yahvah, I thank you that your children need not be discouraged or dismayed. Its good to know that your servants don’t need to be frustrated or worried about the dark storm clouds on the horizon because you have heard our prayers and help is on the way and truth will prevail. Thank you most of all for the sacrifice of your son, Yahshua [Jesus], by whose death we are justified and by whose life we can be saved.


All right. I've never read the opening invocations of the legislation before. Maybe this is pretty standard; maybe it's not. Maybe I shouldn't ever read them again. I have to say that this PARTICULAR opening prayer scares the shit out of me. There is no real reason to have anyone of any religion come in and "bless" the legislature, etc. If this is standard, I'd like to see some OTHER religions get up there and bless the legislature. So those of you that liked what he said, let me show you how it sounded to me:

Heavenly Father. Here's the deal legislators...

[Y]our laws are immeasurably more significant than any of the laws that have been made here. This is all going to be about religion. Capisce?

[T]each us to tremble at your word with a holy fear of displeasing or dishonoring you. Our followers are going to break your legs / run you out of office / etc. if you do not do what we want.

Help us to sow tears of sorrow today. We are going to upset a lot of people. Too bad.

[G]ive [leaders who have learned to follow you] a cup of cool water instead of ridiculing or opposing them. We are going to turn OUR religious beliefs into law.

[B]e more concerned about our righteousness than our rights.Human rights don't matter; only biblical righteousness.

FUN FACT: Definition of righteousness: "However, the Bible clearly states that human beings cannot achieve righteousness through their own efforts: "Thereforeno one will be declared righteous in God's sight by the works of the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of our sin." (Romans 3:20, NIV)."


The Scream that got me Involved

Wow. This has been a huge month for freedom, and not in a good way.

Around a month ago, my wife and I were reading about an abortion bill that Texas was trying to pass. It was being called a bill for women’s health. Allegedly, it would make things better for women in need. My wife read it and shared her findings with me.

I then spent about 8 hours reading it, dissecting it, researching the issues and writing everything down that I found. I didn’t like what I had learned. Not one bit. There was so much wrong with it and so much missing.

Near the end of the legislative session, it appeared the bill was going to pass, so Senator Wendy Davis started a filibuster to stop it. I had forgotten about it during the day, because I had some other things to do. But that night, someone on my Facebook sent a link to the live feed of Wendy’s filibuster. I got online just after Wendy was stopped (, and was watching the clock tick down to midnight as senator after senator tried to get a word in here and there to address points of order before they cast their vote. The senate gallery was filled with protestors that were completely silent, following the letter of the law. One senator had been trying to get called upon and said “At what point does a female senator need to raise her voice to be heard over the male colleagues in the room?”

To me, it was a very poignant comment because she encapsulated all of the frustration from the day. As I was processing that statement, thinking “damn, this lady is really upset. How bad does it need to be when a senator has to say that?”, the protestors in the gallery started clapping. I got chills. Real, real chills.

Just as I was getting chills, the screaming started.

I was already applauding immediately in support of all of the women in the state. It felt as if a wall had been torn down and all the emotion held back throughout the day was rushing through. The gallery’s response made it out to the rotunda. The rotunda broke into a roar of screams and whistles. The whole Capitol was reverberating with that emotion. That’s when I went and woke up our daughter, Tuesday. When we got back to the computer, the Capitol was still screaming. Dido was catching it. It was epic.

The Capitol, and the women of Texas, were screaming. The people in the gallery were tweeting “We can hear you!” If it was possible, the scream got even louder.

The fact that this bill was so close to passing was historic. I felt fortunate that I was watching when I did. When I saw the number of people that were there protesting, I felt ashamed that I wasn’t there in person. Tuesday and I watched together, while the screaming was still happening, as they took the vote after midnight. The votes were online, so I looked them up. Yep, the votes were cast after midnight. I had the proof with the correct timestamps in my browser. I took a screenshot. The bill was defeated!

The screams continued, echoing through the marble halls of the Capitol.

Except… it wasn’t defeated. Or was it? They changed the timestamps. I refreshed my browser. The timestamps had been changed to pre-midnight. Wow. That’s not a good way to show my daughter how government works. I was very upset. I looked on Twitter. Others had noticed and posted pictures, including one senator.

Then they cut the feed to the Capitol. No one knew what was going to happen. We stayed up, reading everything online. All the Ustreams, all the tweets, all the blogs, all the Facebook posts. No one knew if the bill was alive or dead.

At 3:30am, Wendy Davis came out and announced that the bill did NOT pass. Cheers all around. Happy go to bed time.

And then the real nightmare started. Rick Perry called a special session to push this bill through.

I could still feel that scream. We had to get involved.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Amendments of #HB2 Texas Second Special Session, 2013

Amendments to HB 2. All tabled. Most considered "not germane."

Apologies for the BAD formatting. Wanna look at the originals? Go here:


Amend HB 2 (house committee printing) on page 5, between lines 25 and 26, by inserting the following:

(d) The prohibitions and requirements under Sections 171.043, 171.044, and 171.045(b) do not apply to an abortion performed when the woman's pregnancy is a result of a sexual assault, incest, or other violation of the Penal Code that has been reported to law enforcement authorities or that has not been reported because she has a reason that she declines to reveal because she reasonably believes that to do so would put her at risk of retaliation resulting in serious bodily injury.


Amend HB 2 (house committee printing) as follows:

(1) Strike page 1, line 5, through page 3, line 13.

(2) On page 3, line 15, strike "Subchapters C and D" and substitute "Subchapter C".

(3) On page 5, line 8, between "condition" and ", it", insert "not described by Subsection (a-1)".

(4) On page 5, between lines 16 and 17, insert the following subsection:

(a-1) Notwithstanding Subsection (a), an abortion may be performed under Subsection (a)(1) or (2) if, in the physician's reasonable medical health judgment the medical condition caused by rape or an incestuous relationship forced on the woman that manifests after the post-fertilization age of the unborn child is 20 weeks or more presents a possibility of serious self-harm or suicide.

(5) On page 5, line 17, strike "A" and substitute "Except as provided by Subsection (a-1), a".

(6) On page 5, between lines 25 and 26, insert the following:

(d) The prohibitions and requirements under Sections 171.043, 171.044, and 171.045(b) do not apply to an abortion performed when the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest.

(7) Strike page 7, line 26, through page 12, line 23.

(8) On page 17, strike lines 1 and 2.

(9) On page 19, strike lines 5 through 12.

(10) Renumber SECTIONS of the bill accordingly.

AMENDMENT 3 (withdrawn)

Amend HB 2 (house committee printing) as follows:

(1) Strike page 2, line 16, through page 3, line 13.

(2) Add the following appropriately numbered SECTION to the bill:

SECTION ____. Section 245.006(a), Health and Safety Code, is amended to read as follows:

(a) The department shall inspect an abortion facility at random, unannounced, and reasonable times as necessary, but not fewer than two times each month,to ensure compliance with this chapter and Subchapter B, Chapter 171.

(3) Renumber SECTIONS of the bill and cross-references to those SECTIONS accordingly.

AMENDMENT 4 (tabled)

Amend HB 2 (house committee printing) as follows:

(1) On page 2, line 17, strike "Section 171.0031" and substitute "Sections 171.0031 and 171.0032".

(2) On page 3, between lines 13 and 14, insert the following new section:

Sec. 171.0032. REIMBURSEMENT. (a) The department shallprovide financial reimbursement for expenses described by Subsection (b) to a woman who receives an abortion if:

(1) the woman'spersonal residence is located more than 30 miles from a facility at which an abortion may be performed or induced;

(2) the woman received a medical referral from a physician to a facility for the performance or inducement of an abortion; and

(3) the woman submits to the department an application for reimbursement on the form and in the manner prescribed by the department.

(b) The department shall provide financial reimbursement for travel to the facility at which an abortion may be performed or induced that is closest in proximity to the woman's personal residence and related expenses as provided by this subsection. The reimbursement must be for the period relative to the performance or inducement of the abortion and include the following expenses:

(1) round-trip travel from the woman's residence to the facility;

(2) meals;

(3) lodging;

(4) facility care; and

(5) medical care, including the performance or inducement of an abortion.

(c) The department shall provide financial reimbursement for expenses described by Subsection (b) at a rate that is at least equal to the rate authorized for the travel expenses of a department employee performing authorized official state business.

(d) The executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission shall adopt rules necessary to administer this section.

AMENDMENT 5 (withdrawn)

Amend HB 2 (house committee printing) as follows:

(1) On page 1, line 5, strike "(a)".

(2) On page 2, strike lines 7-15.

(3) Strike page 17, line 19, through page 18, line 20.

(4) On page 18, line 21, strike "(c)" and substitute "(b)".

(5) On page 19, strike lines 1-4.

AMENDMENT 6 (tabled)

Amend HB 2 (house committee printing) as follows:

(1) Strike page 2, line 16, through page 3, line 13.

(2) On page 3, line 15, strike "Subchapters C and D" and substitute "Subchapter C".

(3) Strike page 7, line 26, through page 12, line 23.

(4) On page 17, strike lines 1-2.

(5) On page 19, strike lines 5-12.

(6) Renumber SECTIONS of the bill, and cross-references to those SECTIONS, accordingly.

AMENDMENT 7 (tabled)

Amend HB 2 (house committee printing) as follows:

(1) On page 2, lines 3-4, strike "substantial and irreversible physical impairment of a major bodily function" and substitute "prevent serious harm to the health".

(2) On page 5, lines 6-8, strike "a serious risk of substantial and irreversible physical impairment of a major bodily function, other than a psychological condition" and substitute "to prevent serious harm to the woman's health".

(3) On page 5, lines 18-19, strike "a substantial and irreversible physical impairment of a major bodily function" and substitute "serious harm to the woman's health".

(4) On page 5, lines 21-22, strike "substantial and irreversible physical impairment of a major bodily function" and substitute "serious harm to her health".

AMENDMENT 8 (withdrawn)

Amend HB 2 (house committee printing) as follows:

(1) On page 2, line 18, strike "PHYSICIAN; OFFENSE. (a)" and substitute "PHYSICIAN.".

(2) On page 3, strike lines 11-13.

(3) On page 12, line 12, between "171.063" and the period, insert "if the board finds that the person acted intentionally or with gross negligence".

AMENDMENT 9 (tabled)

Amend HB 2 (house committee printing) on page 2, line 21, between "privileges at" and "a hospital", by inserting "or a written transfer agreement with".

AMENDMENT 10 (tabled)

Amend HB 2 (house committee printing) as follows:

(1) On page 2, line 20, between "(1)" and "must", insert "except as provided by Subsection (a-1),".

(2) On page 3, between lines 10 and 11, insert the following:

(a-1) A physician performing or inducing an abortion is not required to comply with Subsection (a)(1) if each hospital located not further than 30 miles from the location at which the abortion is performed or induced has a written policy that prohibits granting admitting privileges to a physician who performs or induces abortions outside of the hospital.

AMENDMENT 11 (tabled)

Amend HB 2 (house committee printing) as follows:

(1) On page 5, line 8, between "condition" and ", it", insert "not described by Subsection (a-1)".

(2) On page 5, between lines 16 and 17, insert the following subsection:

(a-1) Notwithstanding Subsection (a), an abortion may be performed under Subsection (a)(1) or (2) if, in the physician's reasonable medical judgment:

(1) the psychological condition is a post-traumatic stress disorder caused by rape or an incestuous relationship forced on the woman that manifests after the post-fertilization age of the unborn child is 20 weeks or more and the disorder presents a possibility of serious self-harm or suicide; or

(2) the discontinuation of psychotropic medications prescribed for a preexisting psychological condition, because of the potential side effect risks of the medications to the fetus, would have such a debilitating effect on the woman's mental state as to present a possibility of self-harm or suicide.

(3) On page 5, line 17, strike "A" and substitute "Except as provided by Subsection (a-1), a".

AMENDMENT 12 (tabled) [oh my this has a lot of stuff struck through - I'll have to figure out how to notate it. In the meantime you can refer to the original through this link:]

Amend HB 2 as follows:

(1) On page 5, between lines 25 and 26, insert the following:

(d) The prohibitions and requirements under Sections 171.043, 171.044, and 171.045(b) do not apply to an abortion performed on a minor if the minor or her legal representative verifies to the treating physician that she did not receive effective instruction relating to human sexuality provided in compliance with Section 28.004(e), Education Code, that was sufficient to inform her of the potential risks of pregnancy and complications that could affect her medical condition.

(2) On page 16, strike lines 5-16 and substitute the following:

(19) performs an abortion on an unemancipated minor without the written consent of the child's parent, managing conservator, or legal guardian or without a court order, as provided by Section 33.003 or 33.004, Family Code, authorizing the minor to consent to the abortion, unless:

(A) the physician concludes that on the basis of the physician's good faith clinical judgment, a condition exists that complicates the medical condition of the pregnant minor and necessitates the immediate abortion of her pregnancy to avert her death or to avoid a serious risk of substantial impairment of a major bodily function and that there is insufficient time to obtain the consent of the child's parent, managing conservator, or legal guardian; or

(B) the minor verifies to the physician that she did not receive effective instruction relating to human sexuality provided in compliance with Section 28.004(e), Education Code,that was sufficient to inform her of the potential risks of pregnancyand complications that could affect her medical condition; or

(3) Add the following appropriately numbered SECTIONS and renumber subsequent SECTIONS of the bill and any cross-references to those SECTIONS accordingly:

SECTION ____. Section 28.004, Education Code, is amended by amending Subsections (e) and (i) and adding Subsection (o) to read as follows:

(e) Any course materials and instruction relating to human sexuality, sexually transmitted infections[diseases], or human immunodeficiency virus or acquired immune deficiency syndrome shall be selected by the board of trustees with the advice of the local school health advisory council and must:

(1) present abstinence from sexual activity as the preferred choice of behavior in relationship to all sexual activity for [unmarried] persons of school age;

(2) devote sufficient [more] attention to abstinence from sexual activity to emphasize the importance of abstinence [than to any other behavior];

(3) emphasize that abstinence from sexual activity, if used consistently and correctly, is the only method that is 100 percent effective in preventing pregnancy, abortion, sexually transmittedinfections [diseases], infection with human immunodeficiency virus, [or] acquired immune deficiency syndrome, and the emotional distress that may be [trauma] associated with adolescent sexual activity that results in a sexually transmitted infection or an unintended pregnancy;

(4) direct adolescents to a standard of behavior in which abstinence from sexual activity before marriage is the most effective way to prevent pregnancy, abortion, sexually transmitted infections[diseases], [and] infection with human immunodeficiency virus, and [or] acquired immune deficiency syndrome; [and]

(5) present age-appropriate information in accordance with national standards;

(6) be evidence-based;

(7) provide age-appropriate information about the effectiveness of methods approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for reducing the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections, including human immunodeficiency virus, and preventing unintended pregnancy;

(8) promote healthy relationships and decision-making skills such as strategies:

(A) to promote effective communication between adolescents and their parents and other family members or their legal guardians;

(B) to develop healthy relationships; and

(C) to develop healthy life skills, including goal-setting, responsible decision making, refusal and negotiation, and effective communication; and

(9) for middle, junior high, and high school students, discuss the district's dating violence policy adopted under Section 37.0831 [teach contraception and condom use in terms of human use reality rates instead of theoretical laboratory rates, if instruction on contraception and condoms is included in curriculum content].

(i) Before each school year, a school district shall provide written notice to a parent of each student enrolled in the district of the board of trustees' decision regarding whether the district will provide human sexuality instruction to district students. If instruction will be provided, the notice must include:

(1) a summary of the basic content of the district's human sexuality instruction to be provided to the student, including a statement informing the parent that the instruction is required by [of the instructional requirements under] state law to:

(A) present abstinence from sexual activity as the preferred choice of behavior in relationship to all sexual activity for persons of school age; and

(B) devote sufficient attention to abstinence from sexual activity to emphasize the importance of abstinence;

(2) a statement of whether the instruction is considered by the district to be abstinence-only instruction or comprehensive instruction, including an explanation of the difference between those types of instruction and a specific statement regarding whether the student will receive information on contraception and condom use;

(3) [(2)] a statement of the parent's right to:

(A) review curriculum materials as provided by Subsection (j); and

(B) remove the student from any part of the district's human sexuality instruction without subjecting the student to any disciplinary action, academic penalty, or other sanction imposed by the district or the student's school; and

(4) [(3)] information describing the opportunities for parental involvement in the development of the curriculum to be used in human sexuality instruction, including information regarding the local school health advisory council established under Subsection (a).

(o) In this section:

(1) "Abstinence-only instruction" means instruction that does not include information about preventing pregnancy, abortion, sexually transmitted infections, infection with human immunodeficiency virus, or acquired immune deficiency syndrome through any means other than total abstinence from sexual activity.

(2) "Evidence-based" means information verified or supported by research that is:

(A) conducted in compliance with accepted scientific methods;

(B) published in peer-reviewed journals, if appropriate;

(C) recognized as medically accurate, objective, and complete by mainstream professional organizations and agencies with expertise in the relevant field, including the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the United States Department of Health and Human Services; and

(D) proven through rigorous, scientific evaluation to achieve positive outcomes on measures of sexual risk behavior or its health consequences.

SECTION ____. (a) A school district that uses instructional materials that do not reflect the requirements prescribed by Section 28.004(e), Education Code, as amended by this Act, shall also use appropriate supplemental instructional materials as necessary to comply with those requirements.

(b) A school district that permits a person not employed by the district to present one or more components of the district's human sexuality instruction must require the person to comply with the requirements prescribed by Section 28.004(e), Education Code, as amended by this Act.

AMENDMENT 13 (tabled)

Amend HB 2 (house committee printing) as follows:

(1) On page 10, line 8, between "physician" and the underlined semicolon, insert the following:


(A) has the ability to:

(i) assess the duration of the pregnancy accurately; and

(ii) diagnose an ectopic pregnancy;

(B) is capable of providing surgical intervention in the case of an incomplete abortion or severe bleeding or has made arrangements for another qualified physician to provide the care described by this paragraph and has documented those arrangements in the woman's medical record;

(C) is able to assure patient access to a medical facility equipped to provide a blood transfusion and resuscitation; and

(D) has read and understood the prescribing information for the use of the abortion-inducing drug as provided by the drug manufacturer in accordance with the requirements of the United States Food and Drug Administration

(2) On page 10, strike lines 14-18 and substitute the following:

(b) A person may provide, prescribe, or administer the abortion-inducing drug:

(1) in the dosage amount prescribed by the clinical management guidelines defined by the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Practice Bulletin as those guidelines existed on January 1, 2013; or

(2) according to an evidence-based regimen.

(3) Strike page 10, line 24, through page 11, line 8, and substitute the following:

(d) The physician who gives, sells, dispenses, administers, provides, or prescribes an abortion-inducing drug shall:

(1) fully explain the procedure to the pregnant woman, including:

(A) explaining whether the physician is using the abortion-inducing drug:

(i) in accordance with the United States Food and Drug Administration regimen described on the final printed label;

(ii) in a dosage amount described by Subsection (b)(1); or

(iii) in accordance with an evidence-based regimen; and

(B) if using the dosage amount described by Subsection (b)(1) or an evidence-based regimen:

(i) specifying that the dosage or regimen used differs from the United States Food and Drug Administration dosage or regimen described on the final printed label; and

(ii) providing detailed information on the dosage or regimen being used;

(2) provide the pregnant woman with:

(A) the final printed label of the abortion-inducing drug;

(B) a copy of the drug manufacturer's medication guide for the abortion-inducing drug;

(C) a copy of the drug manufacturer's patient agreement; and

(D) a telephone number by which the woman may reach the physician, or other health care personnel employed by the physician or by the facility at which the abortion was performed with access to the woman's relevant medical records, 24 hours a day to request assistance for any complications that arise from the administration or use of the abortion-inducing drug or ask health-related questions regarding the administration or use of the abortion-inducing drug;

(3) obtain the patient's signature for and sign the patient agreement described by Subdivision (2)(C); and

(4) record the drug manufacturer's package serial number in the woman's medical record.

AMENDMENT 14 (tabled)

Amend HB 2 (house committee printing) on page 10, between lines 13 and 14, by inserting the following:

(a-1) Subsection (a) does not apply to a physician who sells, dispenses, administers, provides, or prescribes an abortion-inducing drug to a pregnant woman who is avictim of rape or incest if the probable gestational age of the unborn child is at least 49 days.

AMENDMENT 15 (tabled)

Amend HB 2 (house committee printing) as follows:

(1) On page 12, strike lines 15-23 and substitute the following:

SECTION 4. Section 245.010, Health and Safety Code, is amended by adding Subsections (a-1) and (a-2) and amending Subsection (c) to read as follows:

(a-1) Except as otherwise provided by Subsection (a-2), on or after September 1, 2014, the minimum standards for an abortion facility must be equivalent to the minimum standards adopted under Section 243.010 for ambulatory surgical centers.

(a-2) An abortion facility located more than 50 miles from the nearest other abortion facility must meet the minimum standards adopted under Subsection (c).

(c) The standards for a facility described by Subsection (a-2) may not be more stringent than Medicare certification standards, if any, for:

(1) qualifications for professional and nonprofessional personnel;

(2) supervision of professional and nonprofessional personnel;

(3) medical treatment and medical services provided by an abortion facility and the coordination of treatment and services, including quality assurance;

(4) sanitary and hygienic conditions within an abortion facility;

(5) the equipment essential to the health and welfare of the patients;

(6) clinical records kept by an abortion facility; and

(7) management, ownership, and control of the facility.

(2) On page 17, strike lines 1-2 and renumber subsequent SECTIONS of the bill and cross-references to those SECTIONS accordingly.

AMENDMENT 16 (tabled)

Amend HB 2 (house committee printing) as follows:

(1) On page 5, between lines 25 and 26, insert the following:

(d) The Department of Family and Protective Services may waive the prohibitions and requirements under Section 171.043, 171.044, and 171.045(b) in accordance with Section 262.310, Family Code.

(2) Add the following appropriately numbered SECTIONS to the bill:

SECTION ____. (a) Subchapter D, Chapter 262, Family Code, is amended by adding Section 262.310 to read as follows:

Sec. 262.310. WAIVER FOR CERTAIN PREGNANT WOMEN. Unless the Department of Family and Protective Services provides a waiver authorizing a pregnant woman to obtain an abortion after the date the post-fertilization age of the unborn child is 20 weeks, the department shall allow a woman to voluntarily deliver a child who appears to be not more than one year old to a designated emergency infant care provider.

SECTION ____. Section 262.301(1), Family Code, is amended to read as follows:

(1) "Designated emergency infant care provider" means:

(A) an emergency medical services provider;

(B) a police station;

(C) a fire station;

(D) a hospital; or

(E)[(C)] a child-placing agency licensed by the Department of Family and Protective [and Regulatory] Services under Chapter 42, Human Resources Code, that:

(i) agrees to act as a designated emergency infant care provider under this subchapter; and

(ii) has on staff a person who is licensed as a registered nurse under Chapter 301, Occupations Code, or who provides emergency medical services under Chapter 773, Health and Safety Code, and who will examine and provide emergency medical services to a child taken into possession by the agency under this subchapter.

SECTION ____. Section 262.302(a), Family Code, is amended to read as follows:

(a) A designated emergency infant care provider shall, without a court order,take possession of a child who appears to be one year [60 days] old or younger if the child is voluntarily delivered to the provider by the child's parent and the parent did not express an intent to return for the child.

(3) Renumber SECTIONS of the bill and cross-references to those SECTIONS accordingly.

AMENDMENT 17 (tabled)

Amend HB 2 (house committee printing) as follows:

(1) On page 12, strike lines 15 through 23 and substitute the following:

SECTION 4. Section 245.010, Health and Safety Code, is amended by adding Subsections (a-1) and (a-2) and amending Subsection (c) to read as follows:

(a-1) Except as otherwise provided by Subsection (a-2), on or after September 1, 2014, the minimum standards for an abortion facility must be equivalent to the minimum standards adopted under Section 243.010 for ambulatory surgical centers.

(a-2) An abortion facility constructed before January 1, 2014, that does not receive adequate funding from state sources to ensure compliance with the standards adopted under Subsection (a-1) must meet the minimum standards adopted under Subsection (c).

(c) The standards for a facility described by Subsection (a-2) may not be more stringent than Medicare certification standards, if any, for:

(1) qualifications for professional and nonprofessional personnel;

(2) supervision of professional and nonprofessional personnel;

(3) medical treatment and medical services provided by an abortion facility and the coordination of treatment and services, including quality assurance;

(4) sanitary and hygienic conditions within an abortion facility;

(5) the equipment essential to the health and welfare of the patients;

(6) clinical records kept by an abortion facility; and

(7) management, ownership, and control of the facility.

(2) On page 17, strike lines 1 and 2 and renumber subsequent SECTIONS of the bill and cross-references to those SECTIONS accordingly.

(3) On page 19, between lines 12 and 13, insert the following:

(c) A facility licensed under Chapter 245, Health and Safety Code, and constructed before January 1, 2014, that receives adequate funding from state sources to ensure compliance with the standards adopted under Section 245.010(a-1), Health and Safety Code, as added by this Act, shall comply with those standards not later than one year after the date the facility receives the funding.

AMENDMENT 18 (tabled)

Amend HB 2 (house committee printing) on page 12, line 23, between "centers" and the underlined period, by inserting ", except that an abortion facility may comply with 25 T.A.C. Section 139.48 instead of 25 T.A.C. Sections 135.51 and 135.52 regarding physical, environmental, and other construction standards".

AMENDMENT 19 (tabled)

Amend HB 2 (house committee printing) as follows:

(1) On page 2, line 18, strike "PHYSICIAN; OFFENSE. (a)" and substitute "PHYSICIAN.".

(2) On page 3, strike lines 11-13.

(3) On page 12, line 12, between "171.063" and the period, insert "if the board finds that the person acted intentionally or with gross negligence".

AMENDMENT 20 (tabled)

Amend HB 2 (house committee printing) by adding the following subsection, appropriately numbered, to SECTION 10 of the bill and renumbering subsequent subsections of that SECTION accordingly:

(____) If some or all of the provisions of this Act are ever temporarily or permanently restrained or enjoined by judicial order, the party challenging this Act shall recover litigation costs from this state. This state shall pay litigation costs regardless of a subsequent determination by an appellate court. A party described by this section may recover litigation costs from the state if the party prevails in a trial or appellate court.

AMENDMENT 21 (tabled)

Amend HB 2 (house committee printing) by adding the following SECTION, appropriately numbered, to the bill and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:

SECTION ____. In addition to amounts previously appropriated to the Department of State Health Services by SB 1, Acts of the 83rd Legislature, Regular Session, 2013 (the General Appropriations Act), $6,800,000 is appropriated out of the general revenue fund to the department for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2015,for the purpose of paying costs associated with entering into a contract with premier medical providers to study ways to prevent maternal and fetal deaths that result from complications during pregnancy, to prepare a report based on the study for the 84th Legislature, and to provide a copy of the report to the governor, lieutenant governor, and speaker of the house of representatives.

AMENDMENT 22 (tabled)

Amend HB 2 (house committee printing) as follows:

(1) Strike SECTION 11 of the bill (page 19, lines 5-12) and substitute the following:

SECTION 11. (a) Sections 2-10 of this Act take effect 60 days after publication in the Texas Register of a finding of fact made by the attorney general that the state has abolished the use of the death penalty as a punishment available on final conviction of a criminal offense.

(b) The executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission shall adopt the standards required by Section 245.010, Health and Safety Code, as amended by this Act, not later than the expiration of six months after the effective date of Sections 2-10 of this Act described in Subsection (a) of this section.

(c) A facility licensed under Chapter 245, Health and Safety Code, is not required to comply with the standards adopted under Section 245.010, Health and Safety Code, as amended by this Act, until the expiration of six months after the effective date of Sections 2-10 of this Act described in Subsection (a) of this section.

(2) On page 19, line 13, strike "This" and substitute "Except as provided by Section 11 of this Act, this".

AMENDMENT 23 (tabled) [ [oh my this has a lot of stuff struck through - I'll have to figure out how to notate it. In the meantime you can refer to the original through this link: at]

Amend HB 2 (house committee printing) by adding the following appropriately numbered SECTION to the bill and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS of the bill and cross-references to those SECTIONS accordingly:

SECTION ____. Section 171.012(a), Health and Safety Code, is amended to read as follows:

(a) Consent to an abortion is voluntary and informed only if:

(1) the physician who is to perform the abortion informs the pregnant woman on whom the abortion is to be performed of:

(A) the physician's name;

(B) the particular medical risks associated with the particular abortion procedure to be employed, including, when medically accurate:

(i) the risks of infection and hemorrhage; and

(ii) the potential danger to a subsequent pregnancy and of infertility; [and]

[(iii) the possibility of increased risk of breast cancer following an induced abortion and the natural protective effect of a completed pregnancy in avoiding breast cancer;]

(C) the probable gestational age of the unborn child at the time the abortion is to be performed; and

(D) the medical risks associated with carrying the child to term;

(2) the physician who is to perform the abortion or the physician's agent informs the pregnant woman that:

(A) medical assistance benefits may be available for prenatal care, childbirth, and neonatal care;

(B) the father is liable for assistance in the support of the child without regard to whether the father has offered to pay for the abortion; and

(C) public and private agencies provide pregnancy prevention counseling and medical referrals for obtaining pregnancy prevention medications or devices, including emergency contraception for victims of rape or incest;

(3) the physician who is to perform the abortion or the physician's agent:

(A) provides the pregnant woman with the printed materials described by Section 171.014; and

(B) informs the pregnant woman that those materials:

(i) have been provided by the Department of State Health Services;

(ii) are accessible on an Internet website sponsored by the department;

(iii) describe the unborn child and list agencies that offer alternatives to abortion; and

(iv) include a list of agencies that offer sonogram services at no cost to the pregnant woman;

(4) before any sedative or anesthesia is administered to the pregnant woman and at least 24 hours before the abortion or at least two hours before the abortion if the pregnant woman waives this requirement by certifying that she currently lives 100 miles or more from the nearest abortion provider that is a facility licensed under Chapter 245 or a facility that performs more than 50 abortions in any 12-month period:

(A) the physician who is to perform the abortion or an agent of the physician who is also a sonographer certified by a national registry of medical sonographers performs a sonogram on the pregnant woman on whom the abortion is to be performed;

(B) the physician who is to perform the abortion displays the sonogram images in a quality consistent with current medical practice in a manner that the pregnant woman may view them;

(C) the physician who is to perform the abortion provides, in a manner understandable to a layperson, a verbal explanation of the results of the sonogram images, including a medical description of the dimensions of the embryo or fetus, the presence of cardiac activity, and the presence of external members and internal organs; and

(D) the physician who is to perform the abortion or an agent of the physician who is also a sonographer certified by a national registry of medical sonographers makes audible the heart auscultation for the pregnant woman to hear, if present, in a quality consistent with current medical practice and provides, in a manner understandable to a layperson, a simultaneous verbal explanation of the heart auscultation;

(5) before receiving a sonogram under Subdivision (4)(A) and before the abortion is performed and before any sedative or anesthesia is administered, the pregnant woman completes and certifies with her signature an election form that states as follows:














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(6) before the abortion is performed, the physician who is to perform the abortion receives a copy of the signed, written certification required by Subdivision (5); and

(7) the pregnant woman is provided the name of each person who provides or explains the information required under this subsection.

AMENDMENT 24 (tabled)

Amend HB 2 (house committee printing) as follows:

(1) Add the following appropriately numbered SECTIONS to the bill and renumber subsequent SECTIONS of the bill and cross-references to those SECTIONS accordingly:

SECTION ____. (a) Subchapter B, Chapter 531, Government Code, is amended by adding Section 531.02419 to read as follows:

Sec. 531.02419. ELIGIBILITY OF CERTAIN PERSONS FOR CERTAIN BENEFIT PROGRAMS. Unless the department provides a waiver authorizing a pregnant woman to obtain an abortion after the date the post-fertilization age of the unborn child is 20 weeks, to the extent permitted under federal law and notwithstanding any other law, once a pregnant woman who is eligible for Medicaid under Section 32.02472, Human Resources Code, is at least 20 weeks pregnant, each family member of the woman who is also a member of the woman's household is eligible for benefits under the following programs:

(1) the temporary assistance for needy families program under Chapter 31, Human Resources Code;

(2) the Medicaid program under Chapter 32, Human Resources Code; and

(3) the supplemental nutrition assistance program under Chapter 33, Human Resources Code.

(b) The changes in law made by this section apply to an initial determination or redetermination of eligibility of a person for benefits under the temporary assistance for needy families program under Chapter 31, Human Resources Code, the medical assistance program under Chapter 32, Human Resources Code, or the supplemental nutrition assistance program under Chapter 33, Human Resources Code, that is made on or after the effective date of this section.

(c) This section takes effect November 1, 2013.

SECTION ____. (a) Subchapter B, Chapter 32, Human Resources Code, is amended by adding Section 32.02472 to read as follows:

Sec. 32.02472. MEDICAL ASSISTANCE FOR CERTAIN PREGNANT WOMEN TO COVER COSTS RELATED TO CHILDBIRTH. Unless the department provides a waiver authorizing a pregnant woman to obtain an abortion after the date the post-fertilization age of the unborn child is 20 weeks, the department shall provide medical assistance to cover the costs related to prenatal care and childbirth for a pregnant woman:

(1) whose income is less than or equal to 250 percent of the federal poverty level; and

(2) who attempted to obtain an abortion but was denied the abortion because at the time she sought the abortion the post-fertilization age of the unborn child was 20 weeks or more.

(b) The changes in law made by this section apply to an initial determination or redetermination of eligibility of a person for medical assistance under Chapter 32, Human Resources Code, that is made on or after the effective date of this section.

(c) This section takes effect November 1, 2013.

SECTION ____. (a) Subchapter A, Chapter 302, Labor Code, is amended by adding Section 302.0048 to read as follows:

Sec. 302.0048. ELIGIBILITY FOR CHILD CARE BENEFITS FUNDED UNDER CHILD CARE AND DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT. Unless the department provides a waiver authorizing a pregnant woman to obtain an abortion after the date the post-fertilization age of the unborn child is 20 weeks, to the extent permitted under federal law and to the extent the woman is not otherwise eligible, once a pregnant woman who is eligible for Medicaid under Section 32.02472, Human Resources Code, is at least 20 weeks pregnant, the woman is eligible to receive child care funded wholly or partly from money received under the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Section 9858 et seq.) for each of her dependent children for the duration of the woman's pregnancy.

(b) This section takes effect November 1, 2013.

SECTION ____. If before implementing any provision of this Act a state agency determines that a waiver or authorization from a federal agency is necessary for implementation of that provision, the agency affected by the provision shall request the waiver or authorization and may delay implementing that provision until the waiver or authorization is granted.

(2) On page 19, line 13, strike "This Act" and substitute "Except as otherwise provided by this Act, this Act".

(3) On page 19, lines 15-16, strike "Constitution. If" and substitute "Constitution, but if".

AMENDMENT 25 (tabled)

Amend HB 2 (house committee printing) as follows:(1) On page 12, strike lines 15-16 and substitute the following:SECTION 4. Section 245.010, Health and Safety Code, is amended by adding Subsection (a-1) to read as follows:(2) On page 12, between lines 23 and 24, insert the following:(a-1) An abortion facility constructed before January 1, 2014, that stops providing abortion services because it is unable to meet the minimum standards described by Subsection (a) shall receive state funds for a minimum of one year so that the facility may continue to provide services that do not include abortions. The executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission shall adopt rules to implement this subsection.

AMENDMENT 26 (withdrawn)

Amend HB 2 (house committee printing) by adding the following appropriately numbered SECTIONS to the bill and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS of the bill and cross-references to those SECTIONS accordingly:

SECTION ____. Subchapter B, Chapter 531, Government Code, is amended by adding Section 531.0732 to read as follows:

Sec. 531.0732. PUBLIC EDUCATION PROGRAM REGARDING UNEXPECTED PREGNANCIES. (a) The commission shall develop a public education program regarding the impact and consequences for women and men of unexpected pregnancies.

(b) The public education program developed under Subsection (a) shall include strategies to encourage the biological fathers of children of unexpected pregnancies to support the mothers of those children in order to reduce the occurrence of abortions and the use of abortion facilities in the state.

(c) The commission may consult any state agency, council, or task force in the performance of its duties under this section. On request of the commission, a state agency, council, or task force shall assist the commission with the commission's duties under this section. The commission may establish a task force, composed of members appointed by the executive commissioner, to study the impact and consequences of unexpected pregnancies, to provide recommendations on the public education program, and to implement this section.

(d) Not later than December 1 of each even-numbered year, the commission shall report its findings and recommendations regarding the implementation of the public education program to the legislature.

(e) The commission must implement this section using existing resources, and may not accept any private donations or contract with any health care provider, facility, or advocacy group to implement this section.

SECTION ____. Subchapter B, Chapter 531, Government Code, is amended by adding Section 531.0733 to read as follows:

Sec. 531.0733. STUDY REGARDING EFFECT OF CERTAIN LEGISLATION. (a) The commission shall conduct an ongoing study to gather data regarding:

(1) the effects of HB 2 and SB 1, Acts of the 83rd Legislature, 2nd Called Session, 2013, or similar legislation of the 83rd Legislature, 2nd Called Session, on licensed abortion facilities, access to abortion services in the state, and the number of abortions performed in the state; and

(2) the administrative penalties that are assessed as a result of the legislation.

(b) Not later than December 1 of each even-numbered year, the commission shall report the results of the study, its findings, and recommendations to the legislature.

(c) The commission must implement this section using existing resources, and may not accept any private donations or contract with any health care provider, facility, or advocacy group to implement this section.

AMENDMENT 31 (tabled))

Amend HB 2 (house committee printing) by adding the following appropriately numbered SECTIONS to the bill and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS of the bill and cross-references to those SECTIONS accordingly:

SECTION ____. Section 162.301(2), Family Code, is amended to read as follows:

(2) "Child" means a child:

(A) who cannot be placed for adoption with appropriate adoptive parents without the provision of adoption assistance because of factors including ethnic background, age, membership in a minority or sibling group, the presence of a medical condition, or a physical, mental, or emotional disability; or

(B) whose mother declares in writing in accordance with rules adopted by the executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission, that, because of Section 245.010(a), Health and Safety Code, or Subchapters C and D, Chapter 171, Health and Safety Code, the mother chose not to or did not have access to a facility to exercise her right to an abortion at the time the child was born.

SECTION ____. Section 162.302(b), Family Code, is amended to read as follows:

(b) The legislature intends that the program benefit children residing in foster homes at state or county expense and children described by Section 162.301(2)(B) by providing them with the stability and security of permanent homes and that the costs paid by the state and counties for foster home care for the children be reduced.